Men's Bible Study and Encouragement Ministry

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Christ tells us in John 13:34-35 that we are to love one another as Christ loves us, and
this is how all will know that we are His disciples. James 5:16 and Galatians 6:1 speak
about confessing our faults one to another and to pray for each other that we may be
Meadow Vista Church established this Ministry to provide an opportunity for men to
share what the Bible teaches about the role of men within their family and within the
church, as well as a forum for Bible study on any other topic. Coming together in this
fashion will provide an opportunity for men to share their challenges in a confidential
manner and receive Biblical guidance, encouragement, and prayer, both individually
and corporately, for God’s strength and leading in their lives (Philippians 4:13).
Participation in this Ministry is not limited to Meadow Vista Church members but is also
intended for those in the community who could benefit thereby.

Each Thursday evening (except the third Thursday of the month which is Family
Adventures), from 6:00-7:30 pm or as the Spirit leads, the men will meet in the Better
Living Center for Bible study and a small vegetarian meal in order to create a closer
bond with Christ and one another. Please join us!
Should you have any questions or want additional information, please call or text Javier
at 951-254-1493 or Parker at 530-536-6666.